The Chemistry Study Programme was established based on the Decree of the Secretary-General of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia number 356/KPT/I/2016 dated November 13, 2016. The Study Programme first accepted new students in the 2017/2018 Academic Year and in 2019 obtained accreditation rank B based on BANPT Decree No. 2724/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/VII/2019.

To improve the quality of the learning process and graduates, the Chemistry Study Programme collaborates with various professional associations and domestic and foreign universities. Chemistry Study Programme collaborates in the exchange of lecturers with UNESA or the State University of Surabaya Chemistry Study Programme (Surabaya State University) (2020) and transfers credits with the Ming Chi University of Technology (MCUT) Taiwan (2021).


To become a study programme that excels in developing science and technology in Indonesian Language and Literature education based on the Tri Hita Karana philosophy.


  1. Organizing education and teaching to produce high-quality human resources in the field of Indonesian Language and Literature education.
  2. Conducting research for the development and application of science and technology in the field of Indonesian Language and Literature education.
  3. Organizing community service as a form of application of science and technology in order to increase the contribution of the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Programme to improve the welfare of the community.
  4. Organizing mutually beneficial cooperation and partnerships based on Undiksha’s memorandum of understanding with other universities, related agencies, businesses and industries in the field of Indonesian Language and Literature education.


  1. To produce educators in the Indonesian Language and Literature who are professional, full of responsibility, highly competitive, reliable, and flexible in global competition.
  2. Producing qualified, professional, and competitive researchers at national and global levels in Indonesian Language and Literature education.
  3. Produce human resources who can contribute to improving the community’s welfare based on the community’s needs, the field of knowledge studied, and the potential possessed by the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Programme.
  4. Generate mutually beneficial cooperation and partnerships based on Undiksha’s memorandum of understanding with other universities, related agencies, businesses and industries in the field of Indonesian Language and Literature education.
  5. Produce experts in journalism and teach Indonesian for Foreign Speakers (BIPA) who are highly competitive.

Graduate Profile

  • Indonesian Language and Literature

Educators, facilitators, and instructors who educate with good mastery of Indonesian language and literature and pedagogy can use information technology according to the demands of the times.

  • Indonesian Language and Literature

Researcher Novice researches educational issues of Indonesian Language and Literature and publishes in various scientific journals.

  • BIPA Educator

Lecturer and manager of the BIPA (Indonesian for Foreign Speakers) programme.

  • Journalist

Writers, journalists, broadcasters, and managers of mass media both print, electronic, and online.