Vision of Bachelor (S1) Chemistry Study Programme

Becoming a Reference Study Programme in Chemistry Based on the Tri Hita Karana Philosophy in Asia by 2045

Mission of Bachelor (S1) Chemistry Study Programme

  • Organizing dignified education and teaching to produce human resources in the chemical field that are competitive, collaborative, and have a quality character.
  • Carrying out research and development in the field of chemistry that is competitive, collaborative, and innovative as well as having a high impact on the advancement of science and technology.
  • Organizing community service as the application of chemistry in a multidisciplinary manner to improve the welfare and peace of the community

Objectives of Bachelor (S1) Chemistry Study Programme

  • Produce human resources in the field of chemistry that are competitive, collaborative, and have a quality character.
  • Produce novel research and development work in the field of chemistry and become a reference for the advancement of science and technology
  • Produce community service work in the field of chemistry to improve the welfare and peace of the community.