Graduates of the Bachelor (S1) Chemical Study Programme are expected to be:

Chemical Scientist

  1. Able to apply various methods to plan, implement, and evaluate research and development in the field of chemistry by using conceptual and procedural knowledge of chemistry, as well as utilizing various resources that are oriented towards superior and competitive academic work that is widely needed in the chemical industry, research centres, and chemical development, and chemical laboratory
  2. Able to make reports and publish research results in the field of chemistry
  3. Able to continue studies to a higher level related to the field of chemistry

Chemistry Practitioner

  1. Have logical, critical, systematic, and innovative thinking in the context of developing science and technology in the field of chemistry that applies humanities values that are indispensable as a practitioner or consultant in the field of chemistry.
  2. Able to provide science and technology services excellently in solving community problems, business and industry, and various agencies, both government and non-government agencies

Chemical Entrepreneur

  1. Able to plan, implement, and evaluate business plans in the chemical sector by applying the results of research, science, and technology, as well as utilizing profit-oriented resources and of economic value